Tuesday, 5 February 2013

A wild one!

There's nothing like an impending assessment to get one out when everyone else is tucked up at home!

I headed up into Brown Cove Crags today, the plan being to solo some gullies and see where the day took me.  50mph winds and a blizzard, with pretty much no visibility, put pay to that!

Brown Cove Crags in a blizzard

There is ice and old neve in the gullies, but it's lean and the guidebook grades probably don't apply.

There were a couple of keen beans heading up Central Gully which was in very lean conditions.

So i headed into the craziness and spent a good few hours navigating by compass, timing and pacing alone, coupled to that winds of 70mph, made it was a brilliant day!
The snow was being shifted around at a fair old rate, and any banks quickly had drifts behind them.  (Not in front of them as I always thought!)  Finding a reasonably deep one, I set to and dug myself a quick, little snowhole to get out of the elements.  I ended up getting my body out, but not my legs, I am 6ft 2".

Improvised shelter 'Lake Distict Stylee'
 ie: i reached grass before i could dig a good shelter!

Fisherplace Gill on the way down

It has been cold...these are rimed up blades of grass!!

And a rimed up tree.

Once again the Lakes has shown me that with enough motivation to get out, the worst days can be the best.

Friday, 1 February 2013

Ben Arthur ‘The Cobbler’

Had a brilliant day to day on the Cobbler in the Trossachs.  It’s one of the more Southerly bigger hills in Scotland and I’d kind of disregarded it for years, but i was shown the error of my ways to day and saw just why it’s called the Arrocher Alps.


We had a great time practicing snow belays, checking for avalanche risk, climbing up and down steep slopes and generally messing around and honing those skills.